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men's role was to be a provider and to be a good father a man that men look up to and and man that women want

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Q: What were men's roles in the 1950s?
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The way the women's roles and opportunities in the 1950s differ from women's roles today is in the 1950s women roles was mostly raising a family and housekeeping. Today, women play a part in public offices and workplace and person growth/community.

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The author viewed gender roles in the 1950s as restrictive and oppressive, with women often expected to fulfill traditional roles as homemakers and caretakers, while men were expected to be the breadwinners and authority figures. The author likely critiqued these norms as limiting individual freedom and reinforcing inequality between the sexes.

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What were effects of Rise of consumerism in 1950's?

The rise of consumerism in the 1950s emphasized gender roles (the man works, while the woman stays at home) and de-emphasized class roles. The idea that anyone could attain "the good life" was reinforced by the booming economy and consumerism.