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Q: What wedding reception would a koi fish be found at?
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The koi fish is known as the 'traditional fish of happiness' and therefore would most likely be found at a wedding reception in which country?


The koi fish is known as the'traditional fish of happiness'and therefore would most likely be found at a wedding reception in which country?

Japan. I know this because I am Japanese Lo

The koi fish is known as the traditional fish of happiness and therefore would most likely found at a what wedding reception?

Chinese because the Koi fish is a Chinese belief.

Where would a tropical fish be found?

All species of tropical fish could be found in the warm seas around the equator.

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What dangerous fish is found in the meditteranean?

One type of dangerous fish found in the Mediteranian Sea, would be the Shark. Sharks are known to frequent these waters .

What kind of fish is a yellow fish with a black spot on its tail found in townsville?

I think that fish would be a platy (pla-eye).

Where can you find under the sea decorations for a wedding?

== == You can use bubble bowls and live fish. I would use Bettas because they are colorful

Where would you put a fishing lane on deep or shallow water?

It depends on the type of fish. Some fish are primarily found in shallow water, and some fish are found primarily in deep water, while others are found in both.

Where can you get Wedding Dash 2 at?

You can get it at big fish or yahoo games

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