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Q: What tooth is a pointed tooth?
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Of or pertaining to the pointed tooth on each side of the insicors?

Canine tooth

What is the sharp pointed tooth?

A sharp pointed tooth is likely referring to a canine tooth, which is found in both humans and animals. Canine teeth are used for tearing food and are located towards the corners of the mouth.

What is a two pointed tooth called?

A tooth with two cusps is called a bicuspid or premolar.

What is the name of a pointed tooth with four letters?


What is a pointed tooth that is used to grip pray found in carnivores and omnivores?

That is called a canine tooth.

What is the Pointed tooth of an elephant or walrus or wild boar?

A tusk.

My son just lost his front baby tooth and now there is a pointed sliver of a tooth where his permanent tooth should be. Is this his adult tooth or just an extra piece of tooth that pushed through?

More that likely it was a small left over peice or fragment if you will left from the tooth.

What is the meaning of fang tooth?

Fang tooth refers to a long, pointed tooth, typically found in predatory animals such as snakes or some mammals. These teeth are used for gripping and puncturing prey.

Why is a shark tooth sharp and pointed?

It is a predator and has evolved to have sharp, pointy teeth to tear flesh.

What is the pointed extremity of a conical structure?

The apex is the pointed extremity of a conical structure. The apex can be used to describe the top portion of features on the body such as a tooth, lung, or heart.

A long protruding tooth found in some mammals?

I believe you are refering to the "canine teeth" Definition of Canine Tooth: a conical pointed tooth ; especially :one situated between the lateral incisor and the first premolar

What is the tooth that cuts and tears?

The canine teeth cut and tear. Cats have very large and pointed ones.