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Say, "Hey you know how were really good friends and we always will be, but do you think we could be more than friends?"

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Q: What to say when a girl says we will always be friends?
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just say we are friends

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Yes, it is correct. I always say that! You always say that! She/he always says that! They always say that! We always say that! just to add, My teacher always says that!

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If she's alone or with friends and you are attracted to her then ask her to dance or ask if you can buy her a drink when in any club. If she says no then it's a 'no go', but you always have to take that risk.

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I wouldn't listen to what my friends say but instead follow my heart.

When a girl says thank you what do you say?

When a girl says thank you to you then you say 'you're welcome.'

Hot to get a girl you like?

If she is Under 12 then: Be nice to her, become friends with her, get really close to her, ask her out, If she says no then do everything she wants and get hott. She should say yes. If she still says no then do something really big for her and do something nice which she likes. She would definitely say yes. Always be nice to her and be really hott. If she's 12-15 then do what teenagers do and get really hott. Or go on youtube and look for a video "how to get a girl who is (how old she is)." Tip: Always be nice to a girl, compliment her and be hott.

What do you say when someone says like you?

If you are kind of friends write whom ever it is a note saying "Will you be my boy/girl friend?

What does it mean when a girl says 'I love you.' but when you say it she doesn't say it back?

Probably nothing, people are not "robots" that always respond as you might expect.

What to reply when a girl says she's always there for you?

You may want to say, "That's my job." If you can't think of anything nice to say, be chivalrous.

If a girl says i love you in front of my guy friends i have a crush on her should i say i love you back should i believe her?

I think you should say you love her back