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Q: What to say to the person u love?
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What would you do if I said I Love You?

if i loved u back i would tell u i love u 2 but if i didnt have strong feelings for you the way u did for me i would say thank u Answer If someone I love told me that I would be the happiest person in the world. If someone that I don't love in that way I would say thank you that is very sweet, you are such a sweet person, or something like that.

Is it possible to say I Love You not awkwardly?

wats a matter with u u dont say i luv you to a person if ur not even dating ask that person out 1st and then after the next couple days then say it got it ........ good

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Ask your crush or partner if they like u on a text and if they say yes, the next day tell them in person that u love them

How do you say I am falling for you in malyalam?

oh god that's hard do u knw how 2 say love and u jus say those two word the person will figure it out

How do you maintain a relationship with someone you love when you love someone else even when you want to stay with the current person?

u don't ! i would seem u don't love the person ur with now why would u love a different person u obviously don't love this person ur with if ur in love with another person

When you try to show a person how much you love them and they try to find a reason to say you don't what do that mean?

they love u too but dont now how to say it with out sounding soft.

What to say to your girlfriend wen she ask you y you love her?

if your gf asks you why you love her you say u r the most beautiful person i have met and i like your personalitly and i want to be with you

Should you love the person who love you or the person you love?

hi u can only love a person,whome u is not mandatory to love someone who loves u.. it would be foolish to love someone just because he loves u. anyways it does happen in life.....but that's only adjustment.

Why is it hard to say i love you?

It's hard because there is always a risk that the other peron will not say it back. because u dont know if the other person likes you back and people will sometimes make fun of you if u do tell someone u love them

How do you say love you?

well first u say the letter "i" and point to your self then you say the word "love" and make a shape of a love heart with your hand and then u say "you" and point to the person/object you are saying it to.. if this is too difficult i wouldn't bother!! haha:P