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Q: What to say to someone who thinks you ratted them out but you didnt?
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well if you didnt say you did and he will probaly say so you know i got you a New laptop or whatever

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Just ask him. Who cares what anyone else thinks!

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it still is not a nice thing to say to someone or something or just outloud

Is saying you suck important?

Yes. Because if I annoy someone, if he thinks you are annoying, he or she will say that.

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tell them to grow up and get a freaking life!

Can i get in trouble if i was not caught cheating but was ratted out by some one after the test.?

Well would say no because the teacher won't see it

What to do if someone thinks your a slut?

You know who you are and your loyal friends know who and what you are so ignore someone that thinks lesser of you. You could also face the person and say that each person does not know themselves 100% so they have no idea what type of person you are.

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Either someone is checking your mail, or you have alzheimers.

How do you get your ex back because i said i liked someone else?

omg this is bad just say i love you and kiss him on the lips and say i didnt really say that i said i love you [liam]

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Because she asked you and you didn't say you liked her. That's probably what she wanted to hear. Either you can find her and tell her you like her, or let it go.

What should you do if your boyfriend broke up with you because you didnt want to talk things out?

If you still want to be with him, offer to talk over whatever it is he thinks you need to talk about. If he agrees, the be willing to listen to what he has to say.