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The most important thing is to be there for them. Show them your support and love. And try to keep their mind off it. But remind them it's fine to cry. Always be patient, it can take time to heal, but can happen much quickly with friends around.

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14y ago
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9y ago

Your friend is lucky to have you. Breaking up from someone is extremely hurtful and the person will obviously be extremely upset. It's like a grieving process when you lose someone to death. In ways it is a death ... the death of a relationship with someone your friend loved dearly. Unfortunately, we can't control other people and especially partners we choose, so, sometimes break ups just happen for different reasons.

Your friend will possibly cry, talk a little or a lot, accuse themselves of being the cause (even if they weren't) then become angry. These are all signs of grieving. The only thing you can do is be there to put an arm around them or just listen. There isn't much you can say or do at this point until your friend has come to terms with the break up. Perhaps take them out for dinner or a movie to get their mind off the break up even if it's for just a couple of hours. Be patient and they will come around eventually.

If you are a guy helping your friend and you are a minor go to a movie, get into sports, go out with friends. If you aren't friends go to a pub and let your friend talk it out.

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16y ago

Listen to them and be there for them when they need a shoulder however, try and cheer them up, keep them busy and get them back out there doing things. Getting over someone takes some time and they will do so at their own pace but when someone is there to help forget that person it is always so much easier and quicker.

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15y ago

You could say im sorry. guys/girls come and go. when u find the person that your really meant to be with then u will know and u will be happy. forget about the person that just hurt u. it will all get better in time.

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13y ago

wow!! that's hard for me to answer since i dumped my boyfriend!!! im gonna tell you what he does, he still talks to me we hang out a lot he makes me feel safe and he lets me know he will alwayz be there for me. even though we broke up we are ok and that didnt change how much he loves meVANESSA RODRIGUEZ

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14y ago

I would tell them to be angry at the person instead of sad. It always helped me have a different emotion besides sadness to bring me out of depression.

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12y ago

Say "I'll be your rebound" ;)

Unless he's ugly then say "I saw it coming"

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