Well, you tell them. It may be hard, but you have to. I know that if my friends lied to me I would want them to tell me the truth about it afterwards. I actually hate when they lie to me from the begining! But you already lied, so you have to face the music and tell them, no matter how hard it may be. Honesty is the best policy. Good luck! =]
The best thing to do is just tell her straight the truth. Be honest. Tell her the reasons that you lied and just generally that you're sorry. The alternative is to worry that she'll find out, and that will mess up the relationship anyway. Better it should come from you. Then whatever happens will happen. We can't predict, and you'll have no control.
Talk to her. Let her know how the lie affected you and how you didn't like it. Ask her why she lied and why she didn't just tell the truth. Let her know that it upset you and it was wrong but don't hold a massive grudge over her. I don't know how big the lie is but I'm sure that your friendship means more. You should forgive her.
If she did something like teased you, hurt you, got you in trouble for no reason, or told you she hated you and then said she was sorry, go and get a piece of paper then tell her to wright that if she does it again you wont be friends anymore. That's how I got my friends back. Now they're really nice to me.
well if your little brother lies and then gets you introuble try and find out a way to catch him in his lie, then he will end up getting in trouble..... another thing you can do is have a parent outside of the room after you get into trouble and then ask the brother questions he might acually tell the truth if no one else is around then your parent (s) would acually see the truth
Trouble Is a Friend was created on 2009-09-01.
Try to be her friend. Talk to her more and more, and after you know her well enough just have him go ask.
It depends on the type of trouble that the friend is into. You should get all the help that you can.
if you get into trouble because of your friend you need to tell the person preferably an adult that your friend needs to tell the truth that they got you into trouble. hope that helps! :D
someone who tells lies about you to anyone at all is not your friend, it's that simple :-)
What I would do, because I'm a girl, I would ask her why. I would also not be her friend if she lies again.
ANSWER:could it be that he doesn't want to get in trouble from you, so he made this little white lies. Or maybe he doesn't know how to share his feelings.
If your best friend lies to you a lot, then stop talking to him/or her and make *New* friends that do not lie to you.
Lies Goosens
Airflow gets restricted when a person lies down because there is pressure on their lungs. This can cause it to feel as if a person is having trouble breathing, depending on how heavy they are.
a person who has no respect for others and their feelings and doesnt care if he or she gets in trouble