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If I were you, I would completely ignore his opinion. But, it depends on how your dad would react. Nobody should be put down because of their race; that would be called racism. The only thing that matters is if you accept him, your dads opinion doesn't matter. Hope this helps, and good luck with your dad. :]

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12y ago

Tell them that who you date is none of their concern and that they should stop being bigoted. You should show how he is as good, if not better, then other people of the same race.

If you are under the age of 18 you should listen to your parents

You tell your parents. That if you're happy with him then they should be happy.

They should not care what race he is. If and only IF he is nice to them they should not care. Simply tell them "If I'm happy with him why do you care?"

Be honest with your parents, tell them how you feel, ask them why they don't want you dating 'coloured' folk tell them that you are happy and they need to be happy that you have found someone special.

Also, you should always follow your heart. If you think that he is the one then go for it. Never let your parents make you change your mind just because of his race and because they don't approve of him. Maybe you should invite him over for dinner or something and then your parent's could get to know him.

by kimmmi tell them what you think is right for you don't be scared. Go for it follow your heart.

Tell them how you feel and if they still don't like him that's they're problem, I could see if there was something wrong with him or if he treats you bad, but other than race it shouldn't be a big deal. Follow your heart. * Ti@ with all mi love hope it works out.

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16y ago

Don't tell your dad your bf is black because race isn't important. people are people.

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