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Damn that isn't good....all of your friends and you should talk about it...find the source of the problem, pinpoint what the present situation is, and FIX IT

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

It happens in every friends group . There is always a person the creates problem in your friends group. In that case you should be trues to yourself and your friends.

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its bad, don't be best friends be regular friends :) If you don't :( your boyfriend might think something :(

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Compare that friend to other friends, if you get along best, it's your best.

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If you still like your best friend then try to get her back or let her go with your sister if that's what your friend wants. Or mabey your friend could be friends with your sister and best friends with you.

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First I would see if your best friend likes him because you wouldn't want to loose a friend over a guy. Secondly just be yourself, a guy should like you for who you are!

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your friend is important just be friends