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it depends on who you like more, your friends or the girl. you could go for the girl and loose a couple friends or you could not ask her out and keep your friends happy.

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Q: What to do when you like a girl but your friends know her and don't want you to ask her out?
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How do you be with a girl you really like?

Dont show off. Dont act like a pratt with your mates. Dont be somebody your not. Be nice. Talk to her alot (Get to know her). Become close friends. See how you go from their.

If you have already been out with a girl but you still like her and you dont know she if she like you what sould i do?

Ask her if you can be friends still and maybe she'll come to like you the way you like her.

What if you told girl you like her but she dont like you?

shrug it off. don't be mad. stay friends with her if you already are and if not try to become friends. mabey when she gets to know you a little better Shel like you

What do you do if the girl you like knows you like her and not know that she likes you?

just play it cool act like your self but don't get too personal ,or you might change her thoughts about you . So just show her who you really are and she will soon become in love with you or just have a little bit of feelings. :D

Do you like this girl?

how do i know who she is no i dont

What do your friends like most about you?

personally my friends like a lot about me but mostly i am funny but i dont know. if you are wodering dont be afraid to ask.

What do you like most about โ€œFriendsโ€?

personally my friends like a lot about me but mostly i am funny but i dont know. if you are wodering dont be afraid to ask.

How to get a girl to like u when you dont even talk to each other or you arn't friends?

see you have to talk to her get to know her then things will start to happen

How do you get a girl to like you when your friends know and she likes your friend?

do what your friend does... cant hes a 'ladies man and evry girl just falls 4 him coz he looks good and i dont'

The girl i like was using me to get to my friend i dont know what to do?

get your friend a date... not the girl you like

You like a girl you meet her couple of times you dont know she like you or not but she know you like her?

1. ask her out 2. call her 3. become friends 4. ask her out 5. ask her out 6. ASK HER OUT

If your in 5th grade and a girl is in sixth and you like her and you dont really know if she likes you how do you tell her you like her?

tell your friends to go ask her or just ask her yourself. Dont let a girl put you down. Keep trying until she finally relizes your the one for her