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Q: What to do when you like a girl but your best friend also likes her and she has held your hand and hugged and she didn't do anything with the other one except for talking and she still can't choose?
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When should a friend shut up?

A friend should shut up when he/she does not have anything meaningful to say. Talking out of point can be hurtful.

Do you ask talking to a friend or talking with a friend?

talking with a friend

Im talking to someone and he stopped talking to one his friend but his friend calls you to hang outshould you stop talkin to him 2?

It's always tough when you feel forced to choose between a friend and your boyfriend. But I have to wonder why he and your boyfriend stopped talking. Could it be that your boyfriend is suspicious that his friend was trying to steal you away? If that's the case, maybe it would be better for you to stop talking to the friend. At least that's what I'd do to avoid trouble with my boyfriend.

What do you do if you have a annoying friend that will not stop talking?

If your friend is simply gossiping or not talking about anything personal to you and they simply babble on it could be a nervous habit with your friend, but since it bothers you be nice and tell them it annoys you that are continually talking and sometimes saying nothing is a good change. If they continue then in a nice way tell them to stop.

What is the gerund or gerund phrase in This bill is for talking to my friend in Omaha.?

Talking is the gerund.

How can you tell your best friend that you are in love?

Answer If this person is your best friend, why would you have a hard time talking to that person about anything? That's what best friends are for, to talk openly with.

Example of interactive communication?

Like now when you read this. Or when your talking to a friend or bloging or facebooking, texting. Or anything that has to do with communication

What is a consequence for talking to strangers?

Depends on the stranger. Could end up being a good friend or killing you. Anything in between.

Did Calum play Call of Duty?

As you are probably talking about a friend of yours, and therefore nobody, except him and perhaps someone with him at the time will know if he played this game or not.

Your friend was talking 2 a guy and didnt say anything bout you but he looked at you and flipped his hair and gave you a smirk smile what do this mean?

he likes you. not her. >:)

Type the gerund or gerund phrase in this sentence.This bill is for talking to my friend in Omaha.?

Talking to my friend.

What is the gerund phrase in This bill is for talking to my friend in Omaha.?

The gerund phrase in the sentence is "talking to my friend in Omaha," which functions as the object of the preposition "for."