Jeez, why does everyone like to yak about bullsh*t? I think you've really found someone special when you can sit back and comfortably enjoy silence with them - it's not always the things you say that matter, it's how you interact. or if you have like a private joke or something talk about that
jus keep trying. nothin is more awkward then awkward silences.. talk about things you have in common. you might go to the same school. work together. have similar friends.. similar intrests.. hey, if you have nothin in common, find out there interestd in && pretend to be intrested in them.
what you should do is become alot more descriptive, honey i would know. i do it every nite with my bf's frend. anyway, say tings like "the clotes im wearing would look much better on the bedroom floor;)" do alot of winky faces and ask him if hes hard yet, if hes not, maybe send send him a picturre. thatll sppice things up. fosho.
i am a girl and i say a good time, fun, someone to relate to, and nothing to serious especially on a first date
It has an expiration date for a reason. I would say nothing is good to ingest after it's expired.
The pedophiles are trolling. No personal info, and nothing you wouldn't say in front of your folks.
Walk up, smile, and say "Hey, do you want to go to the movies with me tomorrow?" Or whatever. Nothing too big, nothing too intimate. Friendly and confident.
Generally, nothing is. if you want to say nothing isn't, you can say something is
Calmly say "No, thank you." You could also say, "I'm not gay, but I wouldn't mind going out as friends." (But if you do this, be very clear that you are just talking about a guys' night out, and nothing like a date.)
flirt with them,ask them what there plansare this weekend,if they say nothing; sayoh me either,maybe they'll ask you tohang out!
"I might have some problems, but could you spare me a date?"
Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing was created in 1982.
Nothing To Say was created in 1969.
The duration of Say Nothing is 1.57 hours.
In Twi, you can say "nyɛ" to mean "nothing".