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make a move! guys, ask her out already. girls, keep waiting on him. drop hints while flirting.

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Q: What to do when two people like each other and are afraid to show it?
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Jews, like all other human beings, can be afraid of many different things depending upon the individual. Some people are afraid of spiders, so as Jews are people it follows that some Jews are afraid of spiders. What are you afraid of? Chances are, somewhere in this world there's a Jew who shares your fear.

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Do people like each other?

Yes. We are all humans so we should like each other. But sometimes we may dislike each other for certain things.

You like this girl and she is beautiful and we went to the same church but then she moved and you want to ask her out because she is moving back soon any suggestions?

Since you like this girl a great deal then don't be afraid to ask her out to a movie (a date) and get to know each other better. Don't be afraid of rejection. Never go through life being afraid to ask someone out on a date because if you don't then you will always wonder what you missed. Also remember that both people going out together are generally nervous, but that will soon pass as you get to know each other.

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they are afraid of other animals that eat lizards like snakes.