say "no, you kiss me" and let him start it... or you could just kiss him.
It's a textbook kiss. "You kiss by the book" she says.
Use the lip gloss!!! :)
You ask her out and if she says yes then at a special moment kiss her don't make her kiss you kiss her first be the man.
No he has a girlfriend and you need to respect that. If you kiss him it will reck the relationship you just need to wait for it to end on its own then make your move
He says he was 14 when he had his first kiss!
He wants to kiss you! He probably likes you to, its kind of obvious...
the boy says they want to kiss u
Yes. He would kiss you on the cheek if you met him.
The french word for kiss is ''puss'' if u do not believe me look at the video of paparazzi by lady gaga and it says puss puss which means kiss kiss
He says Juliet’s kiss will take his sin away from him.