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you're an idiot,and you should dump his punk ass, and like PAC said "KEEP YO HEAD UP" and find some one who really loves you!!!

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Q: What to do if your boyfriend is lying to you and then lying to his friend who is a girl and the friend is somebody who is starting fights and rumors about you but you are in love with this boy?
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First of all, why do you have ex best friend, if you were so close, why did you fight with her, friendships are lifelong, fights don't matter. When you and your boyfriend really love each other, then how can your friend meddle in that.

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You know the answer and just want to hear it from somebody else. It's horrible! That's like a huge thing in betrayal. forget about his friend or forget about your boyfriend!

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there is no way of telling him without him getting hurt but words from somebody that told a friend her boyfriend was cheating on her she got mad at me and i lost my friend and they are still together there is no way of telling him without him getting hurt but words from somebody that told a friend her boyfriend was cheating on her she got mad at me and i lost my friend and they are still together

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become his friend or move on and find somebody better

What do you do if your best friend likes you and hates your boyfriend?

I'm also assuming that your best friend is somebody that you've known for a very long time. He or she is entitled to his or her own opinion. You have your reasons for liking your boyfriend and they have theirs for hating him. If your friendship with your best friend is damaged by your relationship with your boyfriend, I'm sorry to say that you'd have to reconsider labeling that friend as your "best" friend. A best friend is somebody who will be there for you through thick and thin. A best friend will still be by your side even if the person on the other side is somebody they despise. You cannot force your friend to like your boyfriend. Hate to break it to you, but high school relationships are a joke. Unless you are going to go to the same college (bad idea), it's not really going to work out in the end. You can claim to "be in love" now, but you really have no idea what that even means. If you let your [high school] boyfriend get in the way of your relationship with your "best" friend, you really have to reconsider what it means to be a "best" friend. Your relationship with your boyfriend should in no way shape or form get in the way between you and your "best" friend.

Should you get along with your best friends boyfriend even if you dont like them?

Yes. Even if you don't like them, do not pick fights or tease them. If they try to start a fight with you, simply leave or tell them to cut it out. However, if they are abusing you at all, you should tell your friend. If your friend doesn't listen, avoid hanging out with her when you know her boyfriend is coming. If this continues, tell an adult. Don't complain about it to your friend, it will make her feel bad. If her boyfriend doesn't know you don't like him, just try and keep it neutral. If anything, avoid starting drama.

What should you do if you love your boyfriend but you are starting to fall for his really amazing best friend?

Simple. Break up with your boyfriend. Rather that than cheating on him!

What would a girl do if her friend admitted that he liked her and she has a boyfriend?

say you already have a boyfriend or you don't feel the same way then that's fine . But , I would start to gain trust with him. Eventually if the boy or I were to break it off then. Then he's somebody I could go to. somebody I know who wouldn't treat me that way

How do you believe in true friends?

great question, true friends is somebody you can tell your biggest secrets to and still like you, true friends is somebody that never avoides you or backstabs you, a true friend is somebody that comes to you and wont leave you for anything true friend is somebody who tells you everything, a true friend is not someobdy who backstabs you or freaks out and is disgusted at you when you tell her your biggest secret a true friend is not somebody who stays with you forever and then one day she goes to somebody more like popular or what she wants to be and she is only friends with you when her and her "popular" friend break up remember you are not a backup friend! trust me you will know when a best friend comes and remember best friends dont have to have the same personality.... trust me you will know when a best friend that you can COUNT on comes:):):):) and trust me you dont want a bad friend sadly nobody told me about bad friends and good choices and i had a lot of crying and fights this will save you so many fights and crys!! remember life is short you only have one childhood which is supposed to be your best part of life so live it good and also live everyday happy and extatic cause you never know if its you last:) <3

You got asked out by your friend and you have a boyfriend what do you do?

tell your friend the truth, or if you like your friend more than your boyfriend...dump your boyfriend!