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I'm sorry you are going through a rough time right now and it's got to be hard seeing this and not being able to say a thing. Unfortunately, time is the healer. If she is really meant to be with you she will be. I would suggest you start going out with other girls (nothing too serious) just some nice girl that you can be friends with and that is in the same mood as you and wants to have some fun and make sure you let this other girl see her. My bet is she won't like it. Often when guys do this (even women) they find that the girl they are just dating is the one they really care for. Don't make yourself so available to this girl you love. Good luck Marcy

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19y ago
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17y ago

You can't really just do it like that , it's gonna take some time. Wait until she's not with this other person to approach her or you're getyour feelings hurt. Take it slow , talk with her and make her laugh, then after a little while, if she seems interested , ask her out. Don't stress, if it's meant to be it will happen.

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16y ago

You could always tell him how you feel as that always makes us feel better but if that is what he wants there is not really too much you can do as he has obviously made his decision. If you want to leave things on a good note you could always have a mature amicable break and be thankful for the time you did have together (if that is how you feel of course). I realize it is easier said then done and that you maybe sad but think of it as a new beginning for yourself as well. Support groups are also very helpful. Good Luck.

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13y ago

let's call the person you love A, you B, and the other lover C. You must state your existence to A if you haven't already, and assuming you haven't already,You should become close friends with A and wait it out, or if it looks like A and C will never separate, show A how much better you are than C... but that may get creepy, so do it unnoticably. If A leaves his/her backpack on the bench grab it for him/her. Do this not too much, but show A you are kind and care. A big no-no is to lie to C, because if word leaks out you tried to hack your way in, A won't like you.

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15y ago

well if they really loved you they would leave the other person. Ask them to do so and if they say no then MOVE ON

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13y ago

just tell her that you love her then give her flowers and express your feelings and love for her


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13y ago

I will say ur inlove im not gonna stop love i loved u and tell her bf date her she probaly gonna do da same

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Q: What to do if you love a girl but she likes someone else?
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You either move on and find someone else that's gonna appreciate you and love just as much as you do or you fight for who you love. Love is a battlefield. But remember that you can't make someone love you if they don't want to.

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Become friends with the guy she likes and she'll notice you. Act friendly and cheeky around her and maybe she will play along. she will get to know you and then maybe you might click. These things will get her to notice you but you cannot make someone love you. Love can't be controlled. Real love that is...

You love a girl but she likes someone else?

And let her\him know the real you not some fake image you might give off. And try to impress her as best as you can.

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The case is complex, the girl is older and she like you. It could be platonic love, and she might be in love with someone else. If you really love her and think she is the one for you then tell her your feelings bluntly, give her the choice to decide.

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its best to ask her out, before someone else does.

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to get a girl to love YOU who is going out with someone else you have to be a better person than the guy shes going out with or get someone else j stopard

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she doesnt love you back!! get over it!

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