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explain your feelings to him, but make sure you tell him the truth. If he is a friend and truly liked you it wont matter that you only want to be friends. This is a good way to see if he just wants one thing. Good luck


It is best to be up front with him on this. Still, in my experience, he will be hopeful that you will change your mind in the future.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Well if you really like him but don't want it to ruin your friendship, try to talk to him in a more flirtatious way, or if you think he will think you're weird, then try to smile at him when he catches a glance at you. if this doesnt help,then just ask him. if he says no and if he was a loyal friend then he wouldn't let that ruin the friendship! hope this helps!

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15y ago

Say yes. The guy likes you and not your friend and you cannot be limited by your friend.

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15y ago

Well he wants to like you as a friend no real relationship going to happen but he wwill still hang out with you and talk just likes you as a friend i hope that answered ur question....

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12y ago

Ask him out, tell him how you feel.

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12y ago

I would secretly go out with him.

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Q: What to do if you like a guy but he likes you as a friend?
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It can mean the guy YOU like, likes you. Or it can mean the guy you like's friend, likes you. Sorry if that doesn't make sense. I'm very bad at giving advice! :-)

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It depends, the best thing to do is to see if the guy you both like likes you or your friend more, if he likes your friend more than you, it's best not to try anything, if, however, he likes you more than your friend, you should talk to your friend about it and confess you like that guy, and that he likes you, and ask your friend if he/she would mind you being with him, if your friend minds, than you should consider what to do next and decide if your relationship with that guy is worth to you more than your relationship with your friend.

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maybe HE likes youu, or maybe he knows that the guy that YOU like, likes you back .

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Basically guys are imature. There are two alternatives to his reasoning. ONE: Your guy' friend's friend likes you, or TWO: Your guy friend is to embarrassed to tell you he likes you. Hope this helps:)

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i will tell the guy that i like him the rest is upto him.

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find someone else to like