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Nothing... What's the point in pining over a person who's affection is not mutual? Leave him alone.

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12y ago
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14y ago

You should talk to your sister and tell her to talk about you around the guy so that he starts to think about you.

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15y ago

Cry and forget about him.

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Q: What to do if a guy you like- likes your sister?
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How to know if a guy likes you like a little sister or more?

The best way to tell if a guy likes you as more than a little sister is to just ask him!

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just tell him that both of you like him see who HE likes

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You can know if a guy likes you by the little things he does like talking to you,chatting or holding your hands among others.

How do you act around a guy who likes you?

act like yourself!!! if you are trying to get him to like you though flip your hair! this one guy told my sister that guys can't resist!!

What do you do if you like someone but his sister likes your brother?

It doesn't matter. It may actually help you two get together. They can date or whatever, and it shouldn't bother you. It's not your guy dating someone lese, just your brother dating the guy you likes sister. No big deal.

What if ithink a guy likes you but you are not sure if he does cause he keeps staring at you in class and you sort of like him back?

Go for it sister.

What do you do when a guy likes you and you dont like him but you like this other dude that possibly likes you?

You should tell the guy who likes you that you don't like him, but not until you ask the guy who you like if he likes you.

So you like a guy and he likes you and then your sister likes him later on and he likes her too so he likes both of you. What do you do if you still want to go out with him?

tell him how you feel, if he thinks your weird for telling him you shouldn't date him anyway

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I like this guy but I don't know if he likes me back or if he thinks of me like a little sister how do I tell how he feels about me?

You can usually tell that a guy likes you if he looks at you a lot, laughs at your jokes, even if they aren't funny. He leans toward you when talking and wants to be around you.

When sister finds out a guy likes me she flirts with him and tries to get him to like her more if i ask her about it she will start insulting me it really hurts my feelings i dont like her as a person?

all u have to do is tell your sister to back off be brave and ask the guy out or hang out and then ask him out

What if a guy likes you but you don't like him?

if a guy likes you but you dont like him, tell him your not in to him and say sorry.