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Q: What to call people you hate?
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Most players hate it because of the increased health when you respawn.

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yes people hate pokemon call of dutys the game.

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because people who love something will hate any person who disagrees with them and if a rival game comes out they will hate it too. i am a halo and call of duty player.

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Because it's trite and common, while the name Elizabeth is beautiful, timeless and classical. Elizabeth and I hate, hate, hate it when people call me Liz,

What do you call people who hate countries?

They are either terrorists or we won a war against them. I cal them ignorant.

Why do people call others haters?

when people call other people haters that is most likely a joke, because, if you hate your sisters friend, she'd probably say "why are you hating on her/him for?" that makes you the hater.

If you Hate People Are you Emo?

No, just because you hate people, does not mean your emo, it just means your not really a people kind of person. The answer to your question would be no, not all people that hate other mean they are emo and emo is not about hating people, so you can't call yourself an emo just by hating people. I would probably say you are a people-hater not an emo.

Why do I hate myself People call me ugly all the time mostly online but a few people in real life call me ugly.?

Don't listen to what people say online. They will say anything behind a screen because they feel bad about themselves. You are beautiful. Please do not hate yourself- you are worth more than what people say. Believe that :)

What do you call some one you hate a lot and that hate you a lot?

Your enemy

Do people hate people?

Yes, unfortunately. People do hate people.

Why do they call white people 'crackers'?

There actually isn't an answer for this ridiculous Question. But the answer is known as the reason people call whits cracker is because of their skin color . But they actually hate that. So i isn't right.