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its not a question of thinking you are attractive everyone has a good feature on them for me its my eyes the girls love them for you i dont know but try to make that part more revealing ok have a nice day bye now

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Q: What stimulates the mind to think someone or something is attractive?
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Why do you say you dont want to be one? Is there a reason? First off, women are beautiful. Men...not so much. I dont think it is odd for you to find someone women attractive. But, if you find NO men attractive, then where does that leave you? Why dont you find them attractive? Perhaps you are a lesbian. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

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Being attractive and being gay are two totally separate issues. Someone can be gay and still be attractive, likewise someone can be gay and not so attractive. Remember, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so what you perceive to be cute may be different from what others think is cute.

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In Western Culture, a comment about shoes has no hidden meaning. If someone says they admire one's shoes, it simply means that they think the shoes are attractive.

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That you could be attractive or if your a girl a boy might want to ask you out soon.

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anyone who is someone or something. i think...

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A stimulate is something that makes you happy, jolly, excited and/or alert! For example, caffeine is a stimulate. Can you think of any other stimulates?

Can you find someone attractive but not be attracted to them and what is the difference between the two?

yes actually you could find someone attractive but not be attracted to them. its like you find someone cute, but your not into them because you don't see something that your interested in them. or you maybe you find someone with great personalities and really hot, but still, there's something about them that you're not seeking. don't waste your time trying to think what's this "thing" you're seeking for in somebody, because no one will actually know what it is, it's just a feeling our hearts feel that we can't actually explain toward someone. i really hope i helped, even if only a little