Yes but not a big one
he should buy her anything that he knows that she enjoys.......
A car
No because she might have a boyfriend
The ex girlfriend may be bitter, or she may simply not like the present girlfriend because she is literally replacing her & she has what the ex girlfriend had.
yes, graduation should be the minimum qualification for the politicians
absolutely - buy best present she wishes - BUT DO NOT TRY TO GET HER BACK. ex is ex...
Yes, It will make her feel special !
you should get her something that you know will make her smile. like a bracelet or a necklace. Something shiny.
they did not show her graduatoin on yet
Many supportive girlfriends would consider it mandatory to attends their boyfriend's son's graduation. I assume the question is posed by an angry ex-wife. The ex-wife should realize the Graduate is a student of life and will be well served by the helpful support of the new sexy girlfriend. A mother's concern and love is understandable, but she should put her selfishness and insecurity aside and allow her Graduate son the enjoy the company and life experience of daddy's new squeeze.