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Start being nice to them, what kind of person are you being mean? Being mean is never the so if you don't want to apologize then just stop being mean and start to be nice.

Many times, all it takes is for someone to say they are sorry for how they have acted in the past and that they wish to be friends now. Most people are more than willing to accept the apology and the ensuing friendship. No one likes to have enemies, but everyone likes friends.

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Q: What should you do to someone who you were being mean to?
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Why should you be mean to someone?

This depends on personal philosophy, but truly being mean to someone implies that they are doing something to intentionally hurt someone else on an emotional level. Therefore, in my opinion, you should never be mean to anyone. Even if someone is being mean to you, and you are forced to react, that does not mean you are being mean to them back, it can simply mean you are defending yourself if you have no intention to hurt that individual.

What do you do when someone is being really mean?

You have to punch them in the face. Also you should curb stomp them

Your friend is being mean to you?

You need to talk to her. Tell her that shes being mean to you and it upsets you. Hopefully hse will understand and stop being mean but if she continues the way she is behaving then maybe you should start thinking about whether you should be friends with someone like her.

Is it all right to be mean to someone if they are bullying you verbally?

It's never really "alright" to be mean to someone, even if they ARE being mean to YOU. If someone is bullying you, you should really tell someone about it. They might call you a "tattle-tale", but really, you're not. You're just protecting yourself from the emotional torment that comes with verbal bullying.Also, being mean to someone who is already being mean to you will give them another reason to be mean back, so it really won't solve anything in the end.

Should you tell someone if someone is being mean to mean?

Yes. You have to tell an adult. We don't need any more wonderful people losing them lives over some jerks.

What should I do if people are mean?

you can do many things. ignore them. Tell them that their being rude and need to stop. you can tell someone about it.

What does being mad at someone mean?

It means that someone is very attracted to you.

What would you do if your friend is being mean?

You should talk to her and explain to her what she is doing to you and if she continues decide if you want to be friends with someone like her.

What does it mean when someone is intitutionalized mean?

Being kept in somewhere,

What does a teen do when not being watched?

She/He should do whatever he/she does normally. Just because someone human there isn't there, doesn't mean God isn't there.

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Being fond of someone just means that you like the person.

What does intimadated mean?

it means being mean 2 someone