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wow, this is a very sticky situation,as a form of punishment from you to him you might want to report his action to the local police so he can be charged with bigamy. next,you see a lawyer and prepare to file for a divorce,then he'll learn his leasson. after a while his mistress will dissapoint him because no real lady get married to a married man.he'll suffer enuff

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Q: What should you do that your husband get married with his mistress in other country?
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Who is responsible on stopping the harassment the wife is receiving by the mistress the other woman or the married man who had the affair?

Women by nature are jealous of the other woman so they have a tendency to blame the mistress in the affair and even when the mistress harasses the wife, but it is the husband in this case that should stop the harassment because he started it all. Get tough with the husband and ignore the mistress; the ball is in his court.

Where should you report mistress living with your husband?

The only possible place where you can report about a mistress living with your husband is your bedroom. Here you are missing your husband. Whose fault is this after all? You can't entertain your husband here. He has to go somewhere with a mistress. Please don't report to any external party. Solve this problem yourself. Your husband is after all your husband. The mistress is simply a mistress. I hope you understand the point.

Should you accept husband and mistress' child?

If your husband has broken off the affair with the mistress then your husband should do the right thing and pay child support, but that does not mean you have to accept the child into the family. If the mistress does not want the child then it is up to you whether you want to help to raise that child. If your husband is still seeing his mistress then pack his bags and kick him out and either file for a separation or divorce.

What is case shall be file if your husband have a mistress?

Adultery & Concubinage [Art. 333-334]

Should you date a guy who has had a mistress while married?

absolutely not

Who's problem is it to resolve if the other woman is still contacting the wife and the married man she had the affair with?

Your husband had a tongue in his head and he could have said 'no' to having an affair with the other woman or, he started the affair so it is up to the husband to resolve the problem with the mistress contacting the wife and himself. If the husband does not stop the ex mistress from phoning his wife and himself then the wife should at least apply for a separation because he may still be seeing the mistress.

Should a married man have a relationship with his ex mistress if they have a child together and he is still married to the person he cheated on?


Would you feel special if your husband told you that his ex mistress was a lot better than you?

No, a woman should not feel special if her husband said she was a lot better than his mistress because he cheated on her and he will continue to cheat.

If an ex mistress wants to talk to her married man again because they were good friends b4 the affair should she send him an email or talk to him in person if he was the one who stopped talking to her?

the mistress should not say anything to the married man at all. he made the decision to end communication with her for a reason. the reason the mistress should leave him alone is because he's married and the mistress is breaking up his family whether or not she knows it. so she should just let him go and find someone new and single to be with

How do you make the other woman know she is hurting the wife?

A woman that is cheating with a wife's husband (called a mistress) generally has no moral values and either needs someone in their life to constantly tell them how good looking they are while being spoiled by the married man; is a gold digger; or a needy person who cannot handle commitments and is out for support and some exciting times. It is up to the wife to confront the husband who created the mess in the first place and not try to deal with the mistress who could care less how the wife feels. The other woman always feels she has it wrapped up that she is a better prospect for the married man and believes he will choose her over his wife, but thankfully, often the husband if pressed will come back to the wife and leave his mistress. A married man seldom marries his mistress and is using her as a sex object. Often the married man will grow weary of his mistress (that's his pattern) and either go back to his wife or continue to have affairs throughout his marriage. The wife should not show fear with the prospect of her husband leaving her, but stand her ground; face him and tell him the facts are he stops the affair or the wife will see him in divorce court and the one stipulation she should make with him is that the two go to marriage counseling to learn tools to deal with any marriage problems that should arise. A wife that cries and begs her husband to stay only pushes him towards the mistress and the mistress is the spider in the web ready and waiting. The wife should get tough and let her husband know that she is independent enough to not need him and he can have his mistress, but she is not going to enable his cheating. Most men fold up like a deck of cards and the few that pack their bags and head for the mistress find that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence and he may well come back begging to be forgiven and then the wife has full control. Women who are victims of a cheating husband should know that life does not end after divorce and many women remarry and are happily married the second time around. The wife should say to her husband, 'I'm tying a big blue bow to your butt; slapping a stamp on your backside and mailing you off to your mistress and she can put up with your antics.'ANSWER:I agree with Ms. Marcy but mine will be different. When it comes to other woman even it takes two to tango, the mistress or the other woman can not be the one who is hurting the wife, even if she is sleeping with the married man. With all these, it got to be the married man who are the one who is hurting his wife or family. If the wife finds out yes she will think that it was the other woman who stole the husband away from her, but unfortunately it is the husband who did all of this and the wife didn't put a gun on his head so he can have another life away from his wife. If the married man didn't want to see his wife hurt, all he can do is never do it or maybe just divorce her so that way the pain that will linger to those who got betrayed will not be as bad as it supposed to be..

Does a married man care about his mistress if its long term relationship?

He probably cares about her but she should remember that she is his second choice. Otherwise she would be his wife and not his mistress.

Why does a wife dream of speaking with husbands girlfriend?

* If you husband does not have a girlfriend and you dream of speaking with your husband's girlfriend then it generally is the fact you are having marriage problems and fear that your some other woman will take your husband away. If your husband does have a girlfriend then you should not even have him living in your home and if he is seeing another woman and living with you then no wonder you are having dreams of speaking with your husband's girlfriend. She is the mistress and you don't have to say anything. It is your husband you should be speaking too and tell him to make up his mind if it's you or his mistress. The up side is that more often than not men who have a mistress on the side and when faced with an ultimatum by their wife will generally choose the wife, but if he should not then it's highly unlikely he will stay with his mistress long as he will want more freedom.