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Can you give me more details? Constant critisism and put downs, calling our son "gross" and comparing him to his beloved dog over and over again...just in general an arrogant attitude, doesn't ask about our lives at all and makes sarcastic remarks often. This man is very, very materialistic, cares mostly for things, money, cars...I am not kidding when I say he never says anything nice AT ALL unless it's about how much money he is making or what next new thing he will buy. Explain these traits, and some of his actions? All of this started long ago...I have talked to his dad and he says he will not change...

How is he disrespecting you/your son/your husband? See above How does your husband react? Usually he giggles or goes along with it. I get the feeling this is all normal to him, he did grow up with it and like I said his father has no intentions of changing.

How do you react? I have tried saying something, just being plan is just to get up and leave or ask him to leave I think. How old is the son? Is he aware of what's going on? Our son is a toddler - not aware YET...and I'd like to keep it that way!

Like I said he doesn't interact with our son besides calling him gross (son was just eating a cracker the way a toddler eats when called gross) and compared to dog.

FIL says he is not interested in being a grandfather because it "makes him feel old"



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Q: What should you do if your father in law is displaying narcissistic traits and your husband is only interested in pleasing him and allowing him to be disrepectful to me our son and himself?
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