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Stay away from him everytime he's drunk, or that you see he'll start drinking. Don't wait till he starts, get away before he does. I'm not kidding, I know this from personal experience. My boyfriend eventually realized I am more important than booze! He either needs to stop drinking or get help with his abuse issues. If he doesn't, you need to get away from him. It will only get worse and you can be seriously hurt. == Dump him. Trust me!

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Q: What should you do if your boyfriend only gets abusive when he has been drinking?
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If you're dad is abusive, you should not stick around and get hurt by him. If you're 18, why would he be able to call the police if you leave? And if he did, surely the police would take your side and actually help you get out.

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I have never been in an abusive relationship but you should get rid of whoever is hurting you, and if he continues, tell someone about it.

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Drive. Work on machinery

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It does not matter. They are the same thing.

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Red Flag to being in an abusive relationship. Especially if you have been faithful and you are constantly trying to prove it to your boyfriend while he is accusatory. Is he really would have to do the detective work to find that out.

Why do black men get abusive when they drink alcohol?

The answer has nothing to do with color: people tend to behave when intoxicated as they believe intoxicated people do. In those societies in which people do not believe that drinking causes disinhibition, it does not have that effect. In societies that view intoxication as an excuse for otherwise unacceptable behavior, people tend to act inappropriately when intoxicated. When people are falsely led to believe that they have been consuming, they tend to act as if they had been drinking. Likewise, when people are falsely led to believe that they have not been drinking alcohol but have, they tend not to act so intoxicated. I know of no evidence that black men are more abusive when intoxicated than any other category of men.

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