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nothing just be yourself.

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Q: What should you do if you want a boy to say that you are hot?
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What should a boy say to a girl to turn her on?

Tell her how beautiful she is and how much you need/want her. Tell her how hot you are getting and that will make her hot too.

How should you react a boy calls u hot?

You say u ugly boy

How do you tell an boy he's hot?

Say "you're hot."

How should you ask a boy to be your boyfriend?

you say, "Hey, you want to go out with me?" and wait for an answer. That simple.

What should you do if a boy asks you out and it is against your standards and what if you like that boy and want to say yes?

just say yes too bad f u get in trouble

How do you say the word hot in french?

If you mean hot like warm, we say "chaud" If you mean a hot girl or boy we usually use the English word "sexy". So for a hot boy we say "un garçon sexy"

If a boy says give me a reason why you want him to kiss you what should you say?

your lips look tasty and also say why you like him

I want to impersonte boy george but people say no should i bealive in my ownself?

go for it its your life!

How do you say i like you to a boy?

I think you're hot!

You want to have your 14 month boys ear pierced some say it is cruel what should you do?

You should wait till the boy is old enough to have a say himself. But it is not cruel

What do you say when a boy asks you out and you want to say yes?

tell the boy how u feel and say yes

What do girls mean when they say you look hot do you work out?

they mean the boy is sexy and good looking they like how their body is and want to be like that person maybe.