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Is He Really Attracted? So you think that your husband is attracted to your friend? And you wonder whether this attraction can grow into a threat to your own relationship? On top of it, without you realizng it, your behavior towards your husband might have changed already? Did you ever consider asking him? This can be done with an easy questiion or statement. "You really like "So and so?" What is so difficult about this? I can tell you this: you are suspicious and you do not want to voice your suspicion. So you do not ask. This could be the beginning of the beaking up of your relationship. Isn't easier to ask in an inoffensive way than to let the matter stew in your head? Read more about relationships in the book recommendation #2 and #6 on my BIo Page.

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16y ago
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13y ago

It happens, and doesn't mean you're doing something wrong by being attracted to his best friend. However, acting on that attraction and conveniently forgetting or disregarding the commitment you made to your husband would be wrong. That goes for having or trying to engage in an emotional affair or a physical affair with him.

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15y ago

If you love your husband, don't let it progress any farther. Explain to the friend that it's impossible, and you would appreciate him cooling it, or you will have to talk about it with your husband. PS: This man is no longer your husband's best friend, although your husband does not know it yet.

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17y ago

Stay the heck away from him. Don't try to be alone with him at any time. He is already taken and if he isn't YOU are. How hard is that? I would like to suggest you spend more time COMMUNICATING with your husband as to what the needs of each of you have and coming to common ground instead of searching out other men because that's not the answer to the problems you have. One thing to remember, if you find another man you just have another set of problems and lady, you're playing with fire.

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11y ago

i don't know why i love with him best friend

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16y ago

Unfall out of it!!

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Q: What should you do if you think your husband is attracted to your friend?
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What should you do if you think your husband is attracted to another woman?

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My husband pours concrete for a living. A friend of his gets jobs so they had a job building a new house. my husband didn't get paid from his friend. what can we do?

I feel that this is totally unfair. I think your husband should confront his friend. After he confronts him and asks him why he didn't get payed he should give him reasons on why he should have gotten payed. After he does this he has a good chance at getting the money he deserves for doing his job.

What should you do if you think your good friend is attracted to your husband?

Get a new friend. I know it's hard, but she will use everything she knows against you to get to him.Be polite but to the point. The next time she makes an inappropriate comment to your husband, smile sweetly and say, "It's too bad you have to practice flirting with Mike because you can't find a man." I think your husband should at least not respond to the comments, and avoid her somewhat.Maybe she is attracted to him but has not and would not act on her feelings because of your friendship. Insulting her would drive a wedge between you and could encourage her to go after your husband. It's common for people to feel attracted to people who are unavailable, and most people don't hide their feelings as well as they think they can. Give her and your husband the benefit of the doubt. If you are mean and jealous, you may lose both your friend and your husband. If she is attracted to him it's all the more reason to speak up and say something. She obviously is saying what she wants without regarding her friendship to her friends. Don't give her and your husband the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance to pursue what deeper feelings they could have. Nip it in the bud. She doesn't sound like a friend. I think men want women to fight for them.Confront her before it gets out of hand.You need to lay down the law. Especially if, like in my situation, the friend is known to have slept with other friends' boyfriends and ex-boyfriends. Easier said than done, though. For the fear of losing the friendship, I haven't brought myself to bring it up to her, but perhaps the friendship isn't worth saving.If she is a good friend, she will understand what "boundaries" mean. You need to establish these to protect your family - as I have stated in a previous.Nothing. Be flattered. It is a compliment, of sorts. Would you rather she thought your husband was a loser? What you seemed to be worried about has nothing to do with anyone else and everything to do with how your husband handles it and of course, how you handle it; which, so far is not going very well.If you think your good friend is attracted to your husband, then obviously she isn't your friend. A friend wouldn't do something like that EVER! You can think someone is attractive, but you certainly don't act on that and if this person is a friend of yours, you certainly don't act on him either. A person who I thought was a friend mine, was attracted to my husband. She answered her door with only a sexy nightgown on after she had her daughter call my daughter and invite her over to spend the night. My "good friend" knew I was working that night, and knew my husband would be the one bringing our daughter over. I guess she tried to pull one over on me. Needless to say, my husband told me what she did, and what she was wearing, and so forth. She wasn't my friend after that, and I have so enjoyed telling others this story about her.I would end the friendship.If you think your friend is attracted to your husband, than she really isn't a friend. I would keep her away from your husband. If you still want her as a friend keep her away from him and tell her he doesn't like her around all the time. Say something that will make her think he isn't attracted to her and that he doesn't want to be around her.You really don't have to worry if your friend is attracted to your husband. Why not if he's hot ? Wouldn't any red blooded woman think so? Why is it different because she's your friend? If she oversteps the mark by being overly flirtatious and with no regard for your feelings then yes, speak up on the spot that you won't tolerate it, but that may never happen if you just don't overreact. The only thing you have to worry about is if he is attracted to her. If so, and it's not your imagination then you have a reason to worry.Sit back and take a deep breathe and really look at why you feel like this way. Is she's flirting with him overtly and is he enjoying it? Does she make comments to you like she wishes she'd have a guy like him? Does she touch him when she's talking to him? I shutter to think that you think this is one sided only because normally someone has to get signals from another that this behavior is acceptable. There is no harm in your friend finding your husband attractive that should be a compliment to both of you but if she is making you uncomfortable or your husband doesn't seem to mind then maybe you should let her know in a "friendly" way exactly what it is that you notice and see what she says. If she's your friend she will appreciate your honestly and make the adjustments. Just don't come out and blurt that you think she 'wants' your man; say something like 'Hey, I want to talk to you about something that is bothering me" "Sometimes when you do _____or ______ It makes me a little uncomfortable because we are friends and I think there are certain boundaries or lines we just don't do.' Ask your husband too if he notices and see what he says. If he says it doesn't bother him then he needs to adjust that and not lead her on.Pay attention and watch body language. Go with your gut feeling. Confront your friend if you believe it to be true and let her know you're wise to it. I didn't and paid the price for it. Trust yourself; your instincts are probably right. Of course this is assuming that you're not an overly or abnormally suspicious or jealous person. My best friend and husband ended up having a year long affair until I caught them in the act. Body language and where people's eyes linger tell everything their mouths don't say. Read up on body language.Another answer: You don't say why you think this way, but if its true, PLEASE SPEAK UP. It happens all the time the time that a girlfriend befriends a husband and next thing you know they are in a relationship and the wife gets dumped. Do not be ashamed of how you feel. It may be nothing, but you will have peace of mind if you get it off your chest. Make her visits to your home few and far between. Even the Bible lets us know this is a good idea. Proverbs 25: 17 "Rarely set your foot in your neighbors house, so that he does not get tired of you and hate you."

Is it appropriate for females to have friendship with husband's friend and chit chat with her friend in the absence of husband?

It is ok for the female to be friends with the husbands friend. But I think that talking to the friend without the husband present is wrong it seems a little weird.

Should i live with my husband who i think is gay because he is not attracted towards me and he likes to watch gay porn?

you may have wanted to coinsider not marrying him in the first place and no get a divorce

What do you do when you and your friend are both married but you have feelings for him?

Ask yourself if you are willing to lose your husband. If there are kids involved, think harder because you will be breaking yours and his family. I think that you need to figure out what attracts you to this friend, and maybe your husband can do it. If you are truly unhappy, and he is too. Get a divorce, but that should be your last option.

What do you do if you see your husband and friend staring at each other when they think you aren't watching?

It could mean nothing, just looking at eachother. It could mean, they are attracted to eachother. Or it could just mean that they are dazing off.

How should you deal with falling in love with your husbands best friend when the feeling is not mutual and the friend lives with you both?

well you should talk to your husband and ask him to ask his friend to move out cuz you dont feel comfortable having sex with him when he is in the house works every time think of all the good time you have had with your husband and why you married him and not the friend.and grow up ,do not hurt your family and friend over a crash.thick about it hard

Was nia vardalos husband in the big fat greek movie?

Yes. He was the friend of her boy friend. He was also I think the best man.

You think that your husband may be gay what should you do?

if u think that your husband is gay all u have 2 do is just ask him.

I have a best friend and i always find myself talking about sexual things around her and for some reason i think i might be in love with her but i don't want to be a lesbian what should i do?

As long as you are still attracted to guys - and it sounds like you are - then you're not a lesbian. Being a lesbian means only being attracted to girls. If you're attracted to guys, you can only be straight or bisexual. If you are attracted to guys, and are also attracted to your friend, that would make you bisexual. As far as what you should do about being in love with her goes, if it's really love, there's no way around it. But it seems like you like guys and thought you were straight, so you can dismiss the worry of being a lesbian.

How should I tell me Jerk of a Friend that i don't want to be her friend AGAIN?

I think you should just say I am not going to be your friend.