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Nothing would make your narcissist happier than to know that you were so focused on him that you actually submitted a question for advice about him, because after all.... it's all about him, him, him. Just let me say I understand the problem of a man that, "would rather climb a tree and tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth." Number one: who cares what he says. But, if you care because you're too love sick to get over the jerk, then be sure invite him to your house where you have your video camera set up. Tell him that you are thinking of going to school to become a news anchor and that you'd like to practice your interview skills on him. (A true narcissist will jump at the chance to run his mouth) Ask him what he REALLY thinks (hates)about "so-and-so" {you fill in all the names of people that he's been talkin' smack to about you) and so on... you get the drift. Be sure to act really gratefull for all his input and help with your budding career. Then play the tape back for all those people he lied to about you. Now, who "discarded" whom? Feel better yet? Number two: JUST IGNORE HIM!!! (I don't know but, I find this advice to be extremely funny and wish I'd only thought of it sooner to apply it in my life. Good luck to you.) You ignore it. That's what they do. They wouldn't dare take any responsibility. It's always everybody else that's the problem.

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Q: What should you do if you lied to your pathological liar narcissist and after you're discarded he harps on it to his friends calling you a liar and saying he never lied and acts like the victim?
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It's normal and it's the thing to do. By staying in touch with the friends of the narcissist it still links you to the narcissist. Move on and start a new future. What friends? A true narcissist has no real loyal friends. They are known as supply. Those friends who are true to you will "self select" and will make their choice when you break up. However, if they want to maintain contact with the "narcissist" then you need to set them free. It just creates chaos in your life.

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OF COURSE! Mines is doing that now. They'd do anything to make themselves look like the saint. That is classic narcissist behavior. You have to be pretty careful in knowing who your friends are and who the narcissist has gotten to. I hate to say it but in order to figure out what the narcissist is up to, you have to think like a narcissist. Of course that makes you look bad, like you ARE a narcissist (you've probably picked up some narcissist behaviors being around one anyway) so BE CAREFUL. My narcissist called this game "Ex Caliber" after King Arthur's sword. He said people who were pure and of good intentions could slip past his defenses. Translation: You better make yourself look better than the narcissist and dodge the mud he's flinging if you want to keep your friends!

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Yes, I believe that this is true, it doesn't have to be another woman. I have recently witnessed someone that I believe is a narcissist (but not a malignant narcissist) go FROM an NS of male friends TO an NS of another woman. But the male friends were the NS for quite some time. I think the narcissist will use as an NS anyone - male or female - that satisfies his need for narcissistic supply.

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Its not right to do so , but I know it happens being my ex's mother slept with he brother in law from her second marriage and destroyed a family temp. and 5 years later they remarried and have a very healthy relationship since she is out of their lives!

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It can be possible to be friends with a narcissist but do not expect much from this person. Also expect the friendship not to be very fufilling and mostly one sided (on your part) The one thing that does help is that you already know that he/she is a narcissist so you will understand why they do or say most things. I say give it a shot but do not expect too much like a friendship where that person will always be there for you no matter what because that just will not happen. I know this from experience. GOODLUCK!

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