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I am so sorry you are going through such a mess. Men are not too bright in this department and think they can have an affair; leave it up to the woman to deal with Birth Control and then the men are in shock when they find out they are going to be a daddy. There are several things to consider. You didn't mention if you had children of your own. You need to sit down with your husband and ask him why he had this affair in the first place. Then you are going to have to decide if he's worth keeping around. We all make mistakes and we all go through emotional ups and downs in our lives and it's important we learn from those mistakes. Hopefully, your husband made a mistake having the affair, got out of it and doesn't go down that road anymore. The only way you are going to get these answers to so many questions is from him. If you don't like what you hear kick him to the curb! If he is truly upset, admits to a mistake and looks you in the eyes and tells you it has only happened once and it will never happen again, then I'd give him another chance. The child is the innocent one here and your husband should be a man and take some responsibility for this child, but not until he is tested to finalize the fact he is indeed the father of this child. Good luck Marcy nothing. if you love him you love him. even if he has another child. but it is not up to others it is up to you and what you feel in your soul. good luck to you and be strong. It's hard enought to get past an affair. While the child is one of the innocent parties in this mess (along with you and any children you have), the whole situation can't be put in the past, they way some affairs can be. What if your husband decides to have a relationship with this child? While he should at least support this child financially and hopefully emotionally, it's not going to be a Brady Bunch blended family--there is going to be a lot of hurt and resentment about what has occured, even if you never know this child. If you decide to divorce him, do it now. Discuss the full situation with a lawyer, and make tough decisions about child support. If the child's mother demands, and wins child support in a court decision, you, not just your husband, will be expected to dole out monetary support. The reality is, this support will come at a cost to your children. Obviously this is a situation your husband brought on himself, but it still will affect other people's lives. Sadly, a lot of people, including your children and this child, are going to suffer for the stupidity of your husband and this woman.

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Q: What should you do if you find out your husband of 12 years has a 3-year-old child from another woman?
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This begs the question, "Why would you?" and perhaps, "How is it any of their business?" Supposing it was it was any of their concern however. You would simply look them in the face and say, "My husband has a child by another woman."

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You have no legal rights relating to your husband's child with another woman. You have not explained your interest in this matter. You can step forward as a concerned adult and offer to care for the child but your guardianship must be approved by the court.You have no legal rights relating to your husband's child with another woman. You have not explained your interest in this matter. You can step forward as a concerned adult and offer to care for the child but your guardianship must be approved by the court.You have no legal rights relating to your husband's child with another woman. You have not explained your interest in this matter. You can step forward as a concerned adult and offer to care for the child but your guardianship must be approved by the court.You have no legal rights relating to your husband's child with another woman. You have not explained your interest in this matter. You can step forward as a concerned adult and offer to care for the child but your guardianship must be approved by the court.

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Through a DNA test ordered by the family court if necessary. If it is the husband who questions the paternity of his wife's child, he can then disclaim the child. Otherwise he may be required to support the child. The husband should consult with an attorney. If a wife suspects her husband has fathered a child out of wedlock she should consult with an attorney. Her husband will be required to support the child and he can be ordered to submit to a DNA test to prove his paternity.

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No, your husband is responsible for his half. You can pay it for him but he should look for a job.

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Only if your ex husband is PAYING the residency to look after the child.You need to provide more details, such as whether you mean that your husband lives with the children at someone else's home. In that case, he is still entitled to child support. If the children are not in their father's custody then you should take the matter back to the family court that issued the child support order and ask for a ruling.

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Ask it's the best way to go