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follow your heart


If its YOUR boyfriend and your friend has been hitting on him or trying to "get with him" then you need to confront her, if she refuses to let off, then talk to your boyfriend about it. Now, if its YOU that wants your FRIENDS boyfriend, you need to find someone else, don't try to ruin something that your not part of, if your friends boyfriend is cheating on your friend with you, girl, you got some problems! You need to back off her boyfriend, YOUR HER FRIEND! not her enemy.


then you need to have a talk with both of them and tell your friend that you are his girlfriend and that you feel they are getting to close

well if there your best friend they wouldn't hurt you like that and if your boyfriend has feelings for her then hes probably not worth fussing don't want to waste a friendship over a boy.

well some part of you should be happy because they are strting to get to kno each other. the other part should sit down with you friend and tell her that he is your boyfriend and you don't like too much when you are doing whatever.

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Q: What should you do if you feel your best friend and your boyfriend are getting a little too close for comfort?
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