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Tough one, that. You see, I have no problem with anyone falling madly in love with someone else, but I do wonder how real it is when it might well be fueled by the fact that you are dying to get away from your current husband. I'm not saying that it isn't the right thing to do to move out and find somewhere else, and I understand that is a pretty scary proposition. I bet you'd really like this other guy to say, No problem, just come move in with me, and the fact that he hasn't leads me to wonder if your "mad love" isn't just a bit too much for the guy. Some guys don't really want a girl "madly" in love with them; it can be pretty annoying once you've run through the Karma Sutra a couple of times. So, if you no longer want to be with your husband, so be it. Move out, get your own place. But treat the guy to some space to come into if he wants to. He might be "madly in love" with you because he thinks he can't have you, and if you turned up on his doorstep with a suitcase, you'd probably see him turn every shade of white in quick succession. Get your priorities right first; get your personal life back on track, fix up an apartment of buy a house, and then see what happens with the men. Because if I were in Vegas I would put a fair chunk of change that if you left your husband "for this other guy" he would be gone before Christmas. Phil

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Q: What should you do if you are falling madly in love with someone other than your husband who is a good man but you have problems and you are afraid to leave him and start by yourself?
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