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You should calm down and relax a little. Speak with somebody who you feel comfortable speaking with and trust. Let your emotions out by speaking to them. Some day you will receive justice if you truly deserve it...but don't go trying to make other peoples' life's unhappy because of your own emotions. It does not make what they did any more right or wrong.


Go and find someone you can speak with and not a girl friend or a ex boyfriend. Go to the Police Department they have people specially trained to help people who like you are very distraught. DON'T EVER TAKE REVENGE. taking revenge could end up costing more than you bargained for. Don't want to go to jail for doing something stupid I hope, be smart, no jail is worth the hassles of getting even. Been there done that, ain't good.

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Q: What should you do if you are extremely angry at somebody who has wronged you and you strongly feel like taking revenge?
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The difference between the words of avenge and revenge is simple. Avenge is seeking to get back at someone on somebody else's behalf who has wronged them. Revenge on the other hand, is seeking to get back at someone who has personally wronged you.

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No. When someone is offended, they always want to seek revenge in a way that it will hurt those who wronged you.

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What can you conclude about montresor feeling toward thouse who have allegedly wronged him?

Montresor harbors deep resentment and manifests a desire for revenge against those he perceives as having wronged him. His meticulous planning and execution of revenge against Fortunato in "The Cask of Amontillado" showcases his intense feelings of betrayal and desire for retribution.

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How do you get revenge on you little brother?

You kill him with kindess. When you are kind to people who have wronged you, you upset their sensibility. Most believe that those who have been wronged will seek retribution and anticipate it. Be sure to let your little brother know that you have made a decision to forego revenge. That should help him to understand that it is not an oversight on your part, but a conscious decision to move on with your life.

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