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just relax! chances are the person your going to kiss is going to be nervous also. Its not like in the movies where that first kiss is perfect and birds start signing , and there's fireworks. My first kiss was a disaster but we went out for 2 years after , and its something we look back at laugh at. and chances are when the time comes for that first kiss you wont even have time to be nervous becuase it will happen when you least expect it ! :)

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14y ago

If she is showing signs like resting on your shoulder And kissing you on the

cheek then she is interested in your first kiss and that she wants it so dig deep

and find your strong point and agitate it so that your courage boosts and go for it

like if you are being harassed because of her then use your anger to push yourself

then after that beat up the losers that do that and if they are bigger than you aim

for their package.

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Q: What should you do if you're nervous about your first kiss?
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How do you kiss a guy for the first time when youre super nervous?

To do anything good be it kissing or anything, you must remove nervousness. Relax your yourself and enjoy the moment.

Is you first kiss nervous?

It is.

What should you do when you want to kiss?

melt her in youre arms, kiss, then have a lot of good sex

How do you not be nervous about your first kiss?

Pretend its your mother.

Are you more nervous on a second kiss than a first?

Usually a first kiss just happens, the second kiss is more difficult.

When a girl is nervous to kiss you how do you get her to kiss you?

You kiss her first. Then she'll know that you want her to kiss you and since she wants to kiss you it will work out. But first you call her hot and cute and pretty and sexy and she will kiss you.

Do girls feel nervous about their first kiss with a boy guy?

usually..i's their first kiss...of course they're going to be usually passes pretty quickly though

What do you do after a French kiss?

after your first kiss, stare into his (or her. im a girl) eyes and dont look away until they do. then you can kiss them again and...if youre a girl hug him and let him hold you. if youre a guy hold her close and dont let go. go home and jerk off

How hard is it to have your first kiss?

it all depends. i was 13 when i had my first kiss (im 14 now) and it was really easy for me. i wasnt expecting anything! i just hugged my boyfriend and he kissed me. If youre a guy its probably a little harder since most girls depend on you to make the first move. just be calm and collected and everything will be fine. don't worry about whether youre a bad kisser or anything. if you both really care for each other,, it shouldn't matter.Answer:The first kiss is everything. It doesn't matter if you are a preteen, teenager, or adult. That first kiss is what defines the romance between you. If there is no romance between you then kissing is pointless. We should not kiss out of any other reason than to bond with the other person we are kissing. Whether it be a familial kiss on the cheek or a romantic kiss between to people who are attracted to each other and care for each other. The first kiss in a romantic kiss is the one we should always remember and cherish.

If your girlfriend does not want to kiss you anymore should you still be with her?

You need to ask her if she still is into you, becaus it rightjust be that she is nervous to kiss which is not her fault

How do you kiss your boyfriend when his friends are in the room?

just go up and kiss him youre a girl youre independent strong and alive make the most of it!

How do you handle kissing a guy for the first time especially If your nervous?

you wait for the guy to kiss you. make him want to kiss you. be suductive