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Move on!! Theres planty of fish in the sea, and someone out there for you! <3

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Q: What should you do if this older guy doesnt like you?
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Tell him that you really like him.

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she should just say no that she doesnt like him

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be yourself if he doesnt like you for who you are then he probably isn't right for you

Should you tell an older guy you like him?

No just stay concentrated on school

This boy he like like you like at but he is 16yaerold?

Well, If you like a guy and he is older than you, you should not give up.

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If a guy doesnt like you, you cant ask him out. You can't force something on him that he doesnt want...

How can you tell a guy you like don't like you?

If he doesnt talk to you, takes no notice of you, then he doesnt like you. :(

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go up and talk to him. If he doesnt know you exist show him you do. be his friend and be there for him.

How can you tell if a guy does not like you at all?

if he doesnt flirt with you 24/7 then he doesnt like you...(=

This guy doesnt like you but he acts like he does all your friends say he does like you what should you do?

Maybe you are reading him wrongly. Either dump him or ask him out.

If the guy doesnt like you but you like the guy?

well theres nothing you kan do but make them like you

What should you do if you told the guy that you like that you liked him but he didn't answer and then he left for a long time?

uh, take a hint maybe he doesnt like you