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If your ex boyfriend is in your house without your permission, you need to immediately get help. Call the police, or if he has the key to your house, get the lock changed.

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Q: What should you do about your ex boyfriend breaking into the house you once shared?
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If he come to the house you are living in and is abusive then you can ask him to leave. If he refuses to leave then call Local Police and explain why you are calling. The Police should then come to the house and talk with both you and the ex-boyfriend. Police will then decide if ex-boyfriend should be arrested or not.

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Is your husband allowed to lock you out of your house in Maine?

No, he has no right to do so. He is actually breaking the law. The home is a shared home, bound by marriage. The only reason he can keep you from entering the house is if he has filed for a divorce or if he has a court order restricting you from accessing the property.

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well i would suggest you should confront your mother on this,and if it does not work out id move out

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If you don't want to lose the boyfriend, dont tell him. Its not a lie because you're not saying anything, and it doesn't relate to him so he doesn't need to know. You should punish your house mate in some way for letting you get that close to him.

When was Open House - Breaking Bad - created?

Open House - Breaking Bad - was created on 2011-07-31.