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She should continue to love him unconditionally and do whatever is best for him, without letting his behavior cause her to treat him negatively. If his rejection of her has a legitimate cause (which information would probably have to come from an impartial observer), she should work to change whatever that is.

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Q: What should a mother of a 3 year old do with a son that rejects her and prefers his father?
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Father and Mother are not married when Mother decides she does not want to be a Mom then abandons the Father and Child. Does the Father have legal rights for full custody?

The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.

If the father gives up rights to the child can the mother still collect child support from the father?

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