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Q: What should a boy do if he looses like a knee?
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What should a boy do if he loses a knee worksheet?


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What should a boy do if if he loses a knee?

This was a joke I heard some 45 years ago when it was not frowned upon to use the word 'negro'. It is no longer politically correct. The answer was: 'He should go to Africa where the knee grows.'

What should you look like to get a boy to like you?

You shouldn't have to look like anything. If a boy truly likes you than he should like you from your personality. Just be youself! :) That is what I did and I got the boy that I liked to like me back!!

What is the answer for the math worksheet riddle What should a boy do if he loses a knee?

cry, lol. jk, just go to a butcher shop and ask for a kidney (kid knee)

Should you ignore the boy you like?


You like a boy and he likes you should you kiss him?

yes you should

What should you do if the boy you like has a girlfriend?

You should do nothing. He is not good for you.

What should you do if you like a boy but they don't like you back?

you should let it be known to that person that you care or like them

What were the consqunces of the battle of wounded knee?

First of all, it was NOT the Battle of Wounded Knee. It was the Massacre of Wounded Knee. Wounded Knee is considered to be marking the last of the "free Indian". blackwolfspirit are you a boy or Girl if girl how old?

How do you get a boy you like to like you?

First, play with the boy's friends. Do the boy's interests with them. Second, give the boy gifts. he should back. Third, never lie to him. Fourth, play with him. Fifth, ask him out on a date. Sixth, Finally, make a get-together with the boy's friend's, the boy, and you. Then play a game all together. EPILOGUE The Boy Should Love You When You Have Completed Those Steps. But, If You Want Him To LIKE You, that should be possible by the second step.

Should you stop being mean to a boy you like?

Yes us boy's hate that