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I would want to know why she got divorced. If her husband dogged her then, she may be bitter, if she did it to him, you may have to keep a look out. What financial status is she in, these days, you cant be too careful where you bank account is concerned, far too many, men and women are gold diggers and if they have been burned, they seem to want to burn the next person they are with as a revenge. What kind of relationship does she have with her children, what type of mother is she, what kind of relationship does she have with her other family members. What kind of worker is she, does she have any bad habits that will adversely affect you and your children, if any. See what her intentions are for your future together, see if both of your ideals about marriage, children, housekeeping, spending money and family are similiar. Dont be a rebound guy either, you will be suckered into a storm you may not be able to weather.

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8y ago

You would need to know if you have common interests. You should know if her personality is compatible with yours. You would want to observe how she interacts with other people. There are many questions you should ask yourself. Does she treat you with respect? Does she exhibit good personal hygiene? Are her surroundings clean and organized? You need to consider what you expect from your relationship with her and whether it is apparent she can fulfill those needs without you trying to change her.

She should ask herself all the same questions about you.

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16y ago

She would marry a divorced man because she needs a man in spare, so she need not be mindfull when she woudnt expect much from her

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