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If you really like her, you need to respect her wants and wait until she's ready. If she takes a year or something close, I guess it's safe to say she probably won't date, and go on with your life.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Respect her decision and give her space. It's important to prioritize her feelings and boundaries. If she changes her mind in the future, she'll know that you respected her wishes and may feel more comfortable exploring a relationship with you. In the meantime, focus on maintaining a positive friendship and keeping communication open.

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Q: What should I do if I want to ask this girl out but she doesn't want a boyfriend right now and she knows I like her?
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what u need to do is talk to him and tell him how u feel... if that doesnt work and he doesnt feel the same then he isn't the right one for u and u should probably move on My answer: he was my first boyfriend, and I'm finding it very hard to let go of him, my friends think he likes me too. But I'm still not sure. :/