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You can confront the guy if you think it will make you feel better, but leave his wife out of it. She wasn't the one that hurt you .

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Q: What should I do after a death of a cheating very much loved live with pardner does a guy confront the cheater and tell his wife even if it been 2 and halve years?
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If he cheated before should you still believe that he is cheating again?

Answer Definately. I say once a cheater always a cheater so the best thing you can do is confront him and see what he says. Probably he will deny it, but if you feel he is cheating on you, dump him, he's not worth your time, energy or love.

If in your heart you know your man is cheating should you confront the woman that you suspect.?

no. The one you should confront is your man. And if he is cheating it's his loss.

You found out your boyfriend has another girlfriend what should you do?

Dump the cheater. He obviously is not interested in how you feel - regardless of his justification for cheating.

What should you do if you suspect the guy you've been seeing for years is cheating?

You should confront him about it and make sure your assumption is true. If it is true then you may want to leave him since they usually say that "once a cheater is always a cheater." If you give him a second chance, he may just cheat on you again and then you end up by getting hurt even more. AND IF HE IS tell him to suck ya mum cause she will take a young guy

What should you do if you find out your wife is bi?

Confront her. You need to let her know that it is okay for her to be attracted to girls but it IS NOT okay for her to do anything with girls while you are married, cheating is cheating no matter the gender.

If a woman is cheating should she be confronted while she is with the other man or when she is at home?

I don't think you should confront her when she is with the man - I think you should confront her when she is at home and there is privacy and calmness. If you confront her when she is with him, emotions could highly escalate and cause something bad to happen. She's a big girl and knows she has control over her cheating so don't bother to bring the male counter-part into the matter. Confront her on home turf. If this is not your mate, but a friend I would keep right out of it. If it means destroying your friendship with her then please do so. She knows what she is doing is wrong. If you are the mate then leave! If you confront them together they cannot deny it.

Your boyfriend was at a party and his ex showed up he said he was upset about it but jet he danced with her and even took pics of them is he cheating on you?

It isn't cheating, but he should be considerate of your emotions. Confront him about it and ask why he did this. Then tell him you are uncomfortable with what he did.

What should you do when you find out that the person you love has lied to you about cheating and might still be doing so?

Once a cheater, always a cheater. They rarely change and this person is not showing you the same love that you do. It is time to think about leaving. No one should put themselves through this and stay with a cheater who doesn't deserve them. They will swear on their lives that they will never do it again, but if they had a long term affair or cheated more than once, it WILL happen again. If it was a one time thing, a moment of weakness, then it is something that a couple can work out. If they lied about cheating, then they are not truly sorry and you should leave.

Should you give your boyfriend another chance since he has been sleeping around with different people its been 7 years you have been together now?

I personally would not give a cheating boyfriend a second (third or fourth) chance. There is an expression 'Once a cheater, always a cheater'. He not only has disrespects you by cheating, he also endangers your heath.

Your man says he loves you and you are engaged but you think he is cheating on you from a long distance relationship what should u do u love him but he doesn't keep to his word and you have no proof?

you should confront him about it

Should you continue dating a cheater?

Once a cheater, probably always a cheater.

How do you know he is cheating?

If you are questioning him and his behavior seems out of place, then he is probably cheating. Usually, you just get a feeling something is not right. Follow your instincts, and confront him about it, and then talk it through. By the end of your conversation, you should have an understanding of what you need to do.