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youth from high-income families

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Q: What populations are not targeted for extra federal funds by Youth Services Discretionary Grants?
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What percentage of the federal budget was spent on discretionary programs in 2000?


When changes to taxes and spending occur in the economy without explicit action by the federal government such policy is?


Who decides which programs will receive discretionary funding?

No one person decides which federal programs will receive discretionary funding during a given fiscal year. Instead, this is decided by a committee of nonpartisan experts from multiple fields.

Why does Mexico require adults to vote?

Voting is not mandatory, but discretionary. Note Mexico is a federal presidential representative republic, just like the United States.

What services does Clackamus Federal Credit Union offer?

There are many services offered by the Clackamus Federal Credit Union. Examples of services offered by the Clackamus Federal Credit Union include free checking and loans.

What are the services provided by Northwest Federal Credit Union?

There are many services provided by the Northwest Federal Credit Union. Examples of services provided by the Northwest Federal Credit Union include online banking and loans.

What are the four categories of discretionary spending within the federal budget?

national defense, foreign aid, education and transportation...(although I do not think its limited to just these categories...)

Who does the federal reserve offer banking services to?

The Federal Reserve offers banking services to the many banks in the United States. The Federal Reserve is where banks store large sums of money.

What are the four major public assistance programs of the federal government?

Public EducationHousing/Urban RenewalTransportationFood

What is the fastest growing category of federal expenditures since 1980?

Federal spending by the government, is divided into three different categories. They are mandatory spending, discretionary spending and net interest. The fastest growing of those categories since 1980 is mandatory spending.

What financial services are offered by Addison Avenue Federal Credit Union?

There are many financial services that are offered by Addison Avenue Federal Credit Union. These include investment services, as well as saving products.

What kind of services are provides at the Kinecta Federal Credit Union?

Kinecta Federal Credit Union does services where they give you insurances, loans, investments, business services and many other things in general really.