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Q: What parenting style is the Smith family exhibiting?
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democratic or authoritative

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Which parenting style is least effective during adolescence?

A neglectful parenting style is least effective during adolescence.

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What parenting style children with greater confidence and self esteem?

Children with greater confidence and self-esteem often result from a parenting style that is authoritative. This parenting style involves setting clear boundaries and rules while also being supportive and nurturing. It allows for open communication and encourages children to develop independence and problem-solving skills.

Which parenting style has the most consistently positive outcomes?

Research suggests that an authoritative parenting style, which combines warmth and support with clear boundaries and expectations, tends to lead to the most consistently positive outcomes in children. This style promotes independence, self-regulation, and social competence, while also fostering a strong parent-child relationship.

When a parent provides consistent and firm guidance they are said to have parenting style?


The parenting style in which parents attempt to shape control and evaluate the behavior of their children is?


Which parenting style works the best?

The best one is switching between all 3 depending on the need of the situation. But as most situations and generalizations go, the best is democratic parenting. It doesn't spoil or threaten the child.

What are the Four parenting styles?

Today's psychologists have categorized parenting into many different styles. Some of the most common are positive parenting, strict parenting, spiritual parenting, slow parenting and toxic parenting.