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I've got a boyfriend and he was also my first kiss so I was worried about my hideous pushed back tooth being a nuisance during kissing or maybe it would turn him off...but apparently it didn't! We kiss just fine and I don't worry about it at all. So to answer the question, it didn't prevent me from kissing someone and it still doesn't.
Their picture.
if someone is french kissing it would be open-mouthed which would be easy to spot... i wouldn't know why someone would be asking a question like this... stare at people making out umm ok then but have fun...
if someone is french kissing it would be open-mouthed which would be easy to spot... i wouldn't know why someone would be asking a question like this... stare at people making out umm ok then but have fun...
Close your eyes and think of kissing someone you would really love to kiss! It's true, that's what many actors do. You might even like it! LOL
Well, I had them when I was a teenager, and my advice is to take them out for the few hours that you are hanging out with someone that you might kiss. It would be really unfortunate if you were kissing someone, and the broke because you got too into it. ;)
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yeah,but the person you're kissing would be discusted!
they are probably nervous or are scard
dump him girl! , what kind of man would like someone else when theyre going out with you, find someone who loves you and ONLY you. there are many fish in the sea. and there is a special someone out there for everyone
It doesn't mean anything, they may have been just playing around - it is not a normal kissing practice.
the answer is may get HIV by kissing someone infected, but you would have to pass spit.aka tongue kissing.