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so you`re happy just because you have me? TRANSLATES TO if your only happy because ur dating her

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Q: What might my girlfriend mean when she asks So you're happy just because you have me?
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Pride,Cherish and respect what you have.his little girl is the source of youre pride and youre lucky if he lets his little girl be with you.say it from youre heart as best as you can.only youre girlfriend can decide what she wants.her father cant control her life because he helped make her.

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Well this is coming from a girl who seems to do the same thing as youre girlfriend. Well for me, i like letting Conner decide thingss all the time because i want to make him happy, and i dont wanna pick something he doesnt want to do because i dont want him to thing we are complete opposits and leave. I also like the feeling of him being in controll because it makes me feel safe and its kinda sexy lol. It also makes me happy doing things he wnats to do.

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It means you miss her and you want her back. Or it could mean that youre happy for her and wish the best. Or it could mean that youre a voyeur. Honestly, you shouldn't try to interpret a dream like that. You probably know how you feel better than the internet does.

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Because they hate race car drivers!

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You will have to ask her. That is unusual.

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he will look at you across the room/be happy when youre around/be as nice as he can while still being subtle/probably wont show it to much/if this goes on long enough he might ask you out.beleive me because im a guy.

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That means youre whipped. She did good with you..