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Q: What might a pirate kid find under her pillow when she loses a tooth?
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Related questions

Who leaves money under your pillow?

The tooth fairy leaves money under your pillow in exchange for your tooth.

What if your a hamster loses a whole tooth?

It will grow back, don't worry, but it might take some time.

What do you do with a tooth you just pulled out?

Put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy!

Should I leave broken tooth in the gym?

Best to throw it away or keep it. Don't leave it there.HumourTry ptting it under your pillow. You never know the tooth fairy might visit!

Does the tooth fairy give out pets?

No, the tooth fairy gets your tooth and puts money under your pillow.

What to do with a lose tooth?

when you lose a tooth you put it under you pillow and the tooth fairy will leave some money:)

What does the tooth fairy put under the pillow of a shark that lost its tooth?

A human leg.

The nerve is dead in my tooth What now?

Put it under your pillow and the tooth fairy will come for it

Is the toothfairy true?

yes! tooth fairy is really true because my sister have a tooth then she put on her pillow the she wake up theres a money under her pillow its $20.00

Is the mouse that gives you money under your pillow when your teeth fall out real?

It's not a mouse that puts the money under your pillow when you lose a tooth, it's the tooth fairy that does it.

My tooth just fell out and I can't find it Will the tooth fairy still come to me?

She might do. It depends she might find your tooth. If you loose it outside or maybe you've swollowed it. She or HE might just spot it. If you think you swollowed it then you'll have to write her a letter and put it under your pillow :) IM SURE YOU'LL GET SOMETHING MAYBE A SWEET OR 50P AT LEAST :D

What happens if you put your last tooth under your pillow?

last tooth? Your Mum may come and give you some money. Not the tooth fairy