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roll eyes

scruntch it

turn red


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Q: What might a friend do with their face that tell you their angry?
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Why did you dream that your male friend is angry at you for not calling him?

Your dream expresses your own feelings, not those of your male friend. You are worried that he might be angry with you - that does not tell you whether or not he actually is angry. The best way for you to resolve the issue would be to call him.

You love the girl of my friend.what can you do. you are madly in love with her. please help me?

This is a very tricky situation. You can't tell the girl because that would be like cheating on your friend, and he will probably get very angry. The best thing to do would be to talk to your friend face to face and tell him how you feel. You never know, he might: - not like her anymore - be planning to break up with her - isn't very serious about her and rather see her with you But before you tell him, think about the fact that: - you might just have a crush and not be in love - that in the end the girl might not like you You could also try to go out with another girl to take your mind of your friend's girl. But the best thing to do would be to talk to you friend. Nothing might happen but if he is a true friend he will listen to you and try and help you. Remember, if you don't talk about it, you might regret never knowing.

How do you tell if a friend isn't your friend?

say it in there face

What do you do when you like a girl but she might like your friend but she doesn't want to be in a relationship?

she might be acting like she likes your friend to get you jelous or to get you attention but tell her anyway, she'll be flattered. make sure you speak from your heart and tell her face to face . even if you get rejected atleast you told her . and ya never know , you might even change her mind and she might fall for you . anything can happen :)

Does a girl like me if my friend asks her than she smiles and says I don't know I'll talk to you later?

Probably, she might be too shy to tell your friend though.... it's best if YOU ask her face-to-face.

How can you tell somebody is angry with you from their text message?

all caps, exclamation point, swearing, angry face, no response

How do you tell a boy you like hem?

face your fears, tell their friend

How do you tell a boy you like him if you know he likes you?

You can write it on a note , tell him to his face, or get your friend to tell him.

How you tell a friend you gay?

The way I told my friend was by texting him. It is much easier than telling him/her face to face. But before you tell him/her make sure he/she is not homophobic. Good luck :)

What do you do if your friend is angry at you and you dont know why?

Message her/him and tell your friend that you're sorry for whatever you did. It gets annoying and frustrating to keep asking them 'what did I do?' if they win't tell you. Maybe it's not you?

Do you tell the guy you have a crush on?

well, you can text him, or you can tell him to his face. don't be too disappointed if he says no though. If he's older he might say no. you can always have a friend ask him if you're too shy.

What happens if you secretly dated your best friend's crush?

If you tell your friend then she would say ( WHAT ) If you don't tell your friend and your date knows that your friend have a crush on him, he might tell your friend that he has a girlfriend already.