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Q: What makes your boyfriend different from the rest of them?
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What to tell a girl if she asks what makes her different from the rest?

If there was a generic answer, it would not be true. You are the only one that can answer why she is special to you.

What makes indigenous people different from rest?

Umm I don't know... maybe its something to do with them living in the Rainforest?!

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He's either mad, jealous, or scared.

What to do if your boyfriend makes you nervous?

If you're boyfriend makes you nervous, try talking to him about what he does that makes you nervous. If he just makes you nervous in general, then I would reconsider the relationship as a whole.

What does guacamole do to your face?

Makes it green and makes it delicious. Do it, your boyfriend will love it.

Why can you have orgasms with your boyfriend?

I don't know.But you can ask your boyfriend because he's the one who makes them

What does it mean when a boyfriend tells a girlfriend you need to rest today?

Your boyfriend could be telling you to rest today because either you are not feeling well; you may have not had enough sleep or he wants some head space of his own.

Which quadrangle is different then the rest?

Every kind of quadrangle is different from the rest. If it were not, it would not have a different name.

Why does your boyfriend want to rest for the day?

cause he is very tired from work or whatever!

When your boyfriend fingers you a girl?

This question makes no sense.

What if your boyfriend is rude and makes fun of you?

Simple, dump him

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