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Humans fall in love because we have the unconscious need to produce offspring (hormones); like all other animal species. I'm sorry but this is the truth there is no way to sugarcoat this. Another more metaphysical answer might be that humans fall in love as part of a divine plan to reacquaint individual humans (and humanity in general) to what might be called "higher love" or "divine love" or "spiritual love". Attraction, whether hormonal, or through common interests, etc. leads to communal situations that propel the participants into discovery and growth that might not otherwise occur. Thus, human love (or sexual love) can lead to the discovery and practice of divine love (the short story Gift of the Magi by O. Henry illustrates this quite nicely). Some would argue that this is divine intent rather than happenstance.

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14y ago
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14y ago

It could be her smile, or her face.

Maybe her intellectual abilities, or even her fragrance.

She could make him smile, or even make his day.

Maybe he likes her smile, or her loving touch.

It's her heart he falls in love with, not just the woman.

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12y ago

the look of another person or another persons style.

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Because human are cheap nowadays

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