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It doesn't really matter but traditionally your right knee

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Q: What knee do you get on when you ask to marry her?
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Can a female ask a male to marry them?

yes but the proper way is for a man to get on his left knee and ask the woman to marry him

How do you marry someone on Facebook on your mobile phone?

send pictures of yourself on a knee then make the caption say ''will you marry me?''

When will justin bieber ask selena gomez to marry him?

Maybe he will ask Selena Gomez to marry him, maybe he wont ask Selena Gomez to marry him

How can you purpose to girls?

u get on ur knee and say will u marry me

What are some creative ways to ask someone to marry you?

take him or her golfing, and well there not looking place a piece of paper with "Marry Me?" written on it, right by the hole, ask them to go pick it up for u, when they go to look they will see it and think "awww how cute, some one is getting married" when they turn around you will be there on one knee with a ring....

When can a girl ask to marry?

A girl can ask to get marry when shes 24 years old!!!

You have osteoarthritis of the knee doctor says no fluid in joint but above the knee and around knee has fluid tightness what can you do?

There is not enough info to answer this question you should ask your doctor or ask another doctor.

Who did Abraham Lincoln ask to marry?

Marry todd

When asking someone to get engaged which knee should be on the ground the left one or the right one?

When asking someone to marry you it does not matter if the male kneels on his left or right knee. Generally it is the right knee.

How do you know he is wanting to get married?

When he gets down on his knee, shows you a ring and asks "will you marry me?"

How does a woman propose to another woman?

You get down on one knee, present a ring and say, "Will you marry me?"

Why is there no stability or strength around the knee six months after a total knee replacement?

This is something you should ask your doctor.